It’s a Parade!

15014-149Saturday April 23 and Sunday April 24th

Please come out and join Protect Geauga Parks in the Maple Festival Parade

HOWL with Odie as we march around the Chardon Square!  Let the public know that we are proud to march to promote Preservation Conservation and Protection of the County Parks.

You can march, pass out PGP stickers to kids on the sidelines or ride on the float – all ages wanted and welcome!

The Parade starts at 3:00 BUT IF YOU GET THERE BY 1:45 you can park right next to the parade lineup.  The parade lasts an hour.

Lineup is on Washington Streets between the Post Office and the Chardon Rubber building.  We are in Division 2, #14.

For questions call Kathy 440-477-5468 or Barb  440-286-3682

PGP Shirts will be available!